The Contemplative Life
I am about to leave on a one-month meditation retreat. Here is why....
Beyond Concept
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing really, really well! I haven't written in a while and I said I would have another letter by the end of the year. I have been back from my meditation retreat for over a week now. I don't...
Living is dying
Hello everyone, About 150 years after the historical Buddha died, a king named Menander encounters the venerated Buddhist monk Nagasena. The king did not know him and asked for a name. The monk provided his name, but added: "This is only a name, a denotation, a matter of conventional...
All things are impermanent. Death comes without warning. This body too will be a corpse.Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
Book Recommendation
If you take the opportunity to rest awhile along the journey, eventually you'll realize the place you want to reach is the place you already are.Mingyur Rinpoche
The key — the how of Buddhist practice — lies in learning to simply rest in a bare awareness of thoughts, feelings and perceptions as they occur.Mingyur Rinpoche
What we think of as our identity - "my mind," "my body", "my self" - is actually an illusion generated by the unceasing flow of thoughts, emotions, sensation and perceptions.Mingyur Rinpoche
Gradually I began to recognize how feeble and transitory the thoughts and emotions that had troubled me for years actually were, and how fixating on small problems had turned them into big ones.Mingyur Rinpoche
The unshakable basis of serenity, confidence and happiness was closer to me than my own eyes.Mingyur Rinpoche
Buddhism is not so much concerned with getting well as with recognizing that you are, right here, right now, as whole, as good, as essentially well as you could ever hope to be.Mingyur Rinpoche