Lookahead and Wealth Creation
Hello everyone, I really hope you've been well and indeed that you still are well. I sincerely hope that from this place of wellness you are able to act in such a way that ensures that you and all others are able to continue being well. Finding these...
Determinism, Randomness and Free Will
In this piece I write up my thoughts on the useful concepts of determinism and randomness, and how they impact on our conventional sense of free will....
An explanation of explanation
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well. I feel a little bad about something. I still do not feel close to being able to publish my next article How we know what we know. Epistemology — the study of knowledge — is deep. I have spent thinking about the problem...
The Wisdom of mere muggles
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing very well. I once found myself in line to buy Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on the day of its release. I didn't camp or anything – I just wake up early. It wasn't that long, but others...
On Radical Compassion
Hatred. Anger. Jealousy. These are all forms of suffering. These are all mental defilements. It is in your own interest to banish these demons from your mind. Even from a purely selfish point of view, it can be said that there are some emotions we would truly be better off...
How far we have come
There are two biases that seem to be affecting all of us for the worse, that I would like to bring to your attention. 1. The Availability Bias[1] We judge the likelihood of events and the state of affairs based on how easily we can recall the data. Think...
The Value of Evidence
“A fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage” “Show me,” you say. I lead you to my garage. You look inside and see a ladder, empty paint cans, an old tricycle–but no dragon. “Where’s the dragon?” you ask. “Oh, she’s right here,” I reply, waving vaguely. “I neglected...
Don't Stress
In life we come across a whole myriad of different kinds of situations, each requiring us to respond in different ways. Not knowing how to address the different vicissitudes of life is a cause for much of the difficulty in it. There isn’t a single clear cut solution to...
What is Morality?
Where exactly do we draw the line between what we call good and what we call bad? What is it we hope to accomplish by walking a straight path in life? The purpose in this piece is to make the case, that morality is concerned with safeguarding the well being...
Truths about Beliefs
In this piece I want to demonstrate the following three propositions; 1. Our beliefs necessarily prevent or enable us to get what we value out of life. 2. We do not choose our beliefs. 3.Beliefs are unworthy of respect...
The Overrated Nature of "Nature"
When people use the word “nature” what they usually mean seems to be “things that happen without people doing things”. Notice something? Like how arbitrary it is. Why do we so quick to separate humans and nature as if they were two entirely separable things?...